Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hogwarts House Test

I have just taken a personality quiz on There is a quiz where you can find out what house in Hogwarts you belong in. I took it. Here are my scores:

Gryffindor: 66
Ravenclaw: 92
Huffelpuff: 89
Slytherin: 57

This means that I belong in the Ravenclaw house. Here is what Ravenclaw says:

Said Ravenclaw, "We'll teach those whose intelligence is surest."
Ravenclaw students tend to be clever, witty, intelligent, and knowledgeable. Notable residents include Cho Chang, Padma Patil, (objects of Harry and Ron's affections) and Luna Lovegood (daughter of The Quibbler magazine's editor).

See that? I'm intelligent. :)

If you want to take the quiz click on this link right here and tell me what house you're in on your comments!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Big 'Thank You' to J. Scott Savage

Farworld: Air Keep by J. Scott Savage

Today my pain has been eased. I discovered that someone had commented on one of my previous posts, my "A Shout Out to J. Scott Savage". I opened the comment and saw that  none other than J. Scott Savage himself had replied to his shout out. He came bearing good news: Farworld: Air Keep, will be released to the public in February! Hallelujah! We have been saved! THANKS AGAIN!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Owl City- Fireflies

Here are the lyrics to Fireflies by Owl City. I've always loved this song. For some reason, this song reminds me of the Percy Jackson books. I have no idea why.

You would not believe your eyes,
If ten million fireflies,
Lit up the world as I fell asleep.
'Cause they'd fill the open air,
And leave teardrops everywhere.
You'd think me rude but I would just stand and stare.

I like to make myself believe
That planet Earth turns, slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
'Cause everything is never as it seems,
When I fall asleep!

'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs,
From ten thousand lightning bugs,
As they tried to teach me how to dance.
A foxtrot above my head,
A sockhop beneath my bed,
The disco ball is just hanging by a thread.
(Thread, thread, thread)


Leave my door open just a crack,
(Please take me away from here)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac!
(Please take me away from here)
Why do I tire of counting sheep,
(Please take me away from here)
When I'm too tired to fall asleep?

To ten million fireflies,
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes.
I got misty eyes as they said fairwell.
But I'll know where several are,
If my dreams get real bizaare,
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar!
(Jar, jar, jar)

(Repeat Chorus 2x)

I like to make myself believe,
That planet Earth turns slowly.
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep,
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams.

See? Doesn't that remind you of Percy Jackson? I do not own anything here. All rights go to those who deserve them.

A Shout Out to J. Scott Savage

I have just finished (again) J. Scott Savage's Farworld: Land Keep. I have a few things to say to J. Scott Savage. Not counting my recent read, it has been 3 years since I last read the Land Keep, and I had totally forgotten everything about it. Now, I know that you messed up your plot in your last book, and it's brilliant, (I am so excited to find out how things work out!) and I know that what you left in the last book is a hard thing to pick up from, and I also know that editing and publishing takes forever but, FOR THE SAKE OF READERS EVERYWHERE PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU, TRY TO SPEED UP THE PROCESS!
Thank you. That is all I wanted to say.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Bright Future Ahead

I have recently had the pleasure of reading The Demigod Diaries, a small companion to the Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus series. The stories inside were inventive and fun. Adventurous and daring. Complete with fun games and portraits of some well loved characters. Yes, I enjoyed the book immensly, but my favorite part by far was the very last story. It is called the Son of Magic and it was written by Rick Riordan's own son Haley Riordan. If I could say only one thing to Mr. Haley I would say this: "You've got a bright future ahead of you for sure!" But of course I can say tons more than that.
The story was amazing. It was different from his father's stories yet the alike at the same time. It explains the mystery of the Mist and the half-blood-scent. It delves deeper into the mythologies about Hecate. It soothes the anxiety had over those demigods who were lost during the second Titan War. It fits into the story line provided by Rick Riordan perfectly. Then it concludes with an end so sweet I almost cried. All in all, it was brilliant. Brilliant I say! I absolutely loved it! Keep on writing Mr. Riordan! I await your next story with open arms.
Inside this book is the story The Son of Magic by Haley Riordan.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

How the Gorgons Came to Be

The story of the gorgons is actually quite pathetic. It goes something like this:
Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman named Medusa (don't freak, just hear me out). Medusa caught the attention of Poseidon, god of the sea. So together they planned a date. It was to take place in Athena's Temple.
Medusa acquired the help of her two sisters, Stheno and Euryale, to get her into the temple. This entire thing generally upset Athena, goddess of wisdom and war. Athena already shared a rocky history with Poseidon (see The Story of Athens), so, as you can imagine, Athena did not take pleasure with him bringing his latest fling in for a date in her house. As a punishment, Athena then turned Medusa and her sisters into the three gorgons. Medusa got an extra special punishment with her petrifying (literally) eyes.
Later, Medusa was killed by the hero Perseus and and out of her severed neck came the beautiful winged-horse Pegasus.
Sad huh.
We have never been quite clear on the appearance of Medusa and her sisters except the fact that they are absolutely hidious. Here is a list of some popular gorgon attributes:

Snake hair
Boar tusks
Chicken legs
Scaled skin
Serpent Body
Bronze hands/claws

They sound like happy beings don't they?

The Trouble With Books

Below is a list of books that have done this very thing to me.
If you have a book like this, post a reply and share!

13th Reality #3
Heroes of Olympus #2, and #3
Percy Jackson #3, #4, and #5
Harry Potter #4, and #6
Serpent Tide #2
Beyond Foo #1
Leven Thumps #3, and #4
Janitors #1
Pillagy #2
Spiderwick #4
Septimus Heap #4, #5, and #6
Farworld #2
Fablehaven #3, and #4
Beyonders #1, and #2
Reiyalindis #2
The Jackal Prophecy
The Giver
Kane Chronicles #2

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Dearth of Understanding

Webster says that the word 'dearth' means a lack of something. (ex: There is a dearth of good books.)
Could this definition be what Obert Skye had in mind when he created the Leven Thumps villian 'The Dearth'?
The Dearth

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How Many?

I wonder how many of us were celebrating today. Celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, the A on your test? And how many of us today were celebrating the release date of Mark of Athena? I know I was. The ending of the last book was horrible. I can't wait until it falls into my hands. The only thing that worries me is this: Why, on the cover of the book, are Jason and Percy battling each other? This does not bode well. Good luck to all of you who are now rushing to your local library or bookstore to see if it is in stock! Happy reading!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Greek Mythology: The Birth of Athena

Zeus heard a prophecy that the child of he and Metis (Titan goddess of wise council) would be greater than himself. To prevent this, Zeus swallowed Metis whole. Later Zeus had a splitting headache. Hephaestus then hit Zeus in the head with his hammer (what a loyal son!) which split Zeus's head open. Out of his gaping skull then jumped his fully grown daughter dressed in full battle armor. Probably one of the most bizarre birth stories ever.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Greek Mythology: The Story of Athens

One day in Greece a new city was underway. The city was big and beautiful. The only thing left to do was to find the patron god for the city. Both Poseidon and Athena wanted to take this position. The people of the city held a contest to choose their patron god. Whoever gave the greatest gift would win.
Poseidon gave a saltwater spring, and Athena gave an olive tree. The people saw Athena's gift to be more useful so they chose her as their patron. They named their city Athens in her honor. They built an Acropolis or the Parthenon for her too.
The Parthenon
Picture from

Greek Mythology: Athena, Goddess of Wisdom

Athena was the daughter of Zeus and Metis. She was the goddess of wisdom, war, weaving, pottery, strategy, heroes, and philosophy. Some of her symbols include an olive tree/branch, owls, and her shield with  Medusa's head on it.
Athena was never married and never had any children. (Unless you count Annabeth and other Percy Jackson characters)
Athena's enemies and foes are: Poseidon, and Medusa

Click on the links below to see stories about Athena.
The City of Athens, The story of Arachne, How the Gorgons Came to Be, and The Birth of Athena.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Once Upon a Mattress- Shy

This is one of the best songs ever. It is great for tryouts. So cool. Love it.

(Winifred) Hey nonny nonny is it you?
(Hey nonny nonny noony no!)
Hey nonny nonny is it you?
(Hey nonny nonny nonny no!)
Hey nonny nonny is it you, or  you, or you, or you, or-
(Dauntles) Noony neeny nonny nonny-
(Queen) No, no, no!

Someone's being bashful,
That's no way to be not with me
Can't you see?
That I am just as embarrassed as you,
And I can understand you point of view
I've always been...

Shy! I confess it I'm shy!
Can't you guess that this confident air is a mask that I wear,
Cause I'm shy.
And you may be sure, way down deep i'm demure!
Though some people I know would deny it,
At bottom I'm quiet and pure.

I'm aware that it's wrong,
To be meek as I am,
My chances may pass me by
I try to be strong,
But as week as I am,
All I can do is try-

God knows I try! Though I'm frightened ans shy!
And despite the impression I give I confess that I'm living a lie,
Because, I'm actually terribly timid,
and HORRIBLY shy!

Though a lady may be dripping with glamour
More often then not she will stumble and stammer,
When suddenly confronted with romance,
And she's likely to fall on her face,
When she's finally face to face with a pair of pants.

I'm going fishing for a mate!
(She's going fishing for a mate!)
I'm gonna look in every brook!
(She's gonna look in every brook!)
But how much longer must I wait,
With baited breath and hook?

And that is why, though I'm painfully shy,
I'm insane to know which sir. You sir?
(Man) Not I, sir!
(Winifred) Then who, sir? When sir, and where sir?
I couldn't be tense sir.
So lets get this done man, get on with the show man!
I am one man.
(The lady is one man!)

Music by Mary Rodgers. Lyrics by Marshall Barer. All rights go to those who deserve them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Author Spotlights #2: Angie Sage

The Magykal Papers

Araminta Spookie
My Haunted House
 Angie Sage was born in 1952 in London. She now lives in Somerset in a house with a secret tunnel. She also owns a little green boat called Muriel. She has written the International Bestselling series Septimus Heap, The Magykal Papers, and the Araminta Spookie series. Her upcoming novels include Septimus Heap book 7: Fyre, and The Darke Toad. She won the Book Award 2006 for her novel Magyk,

Angie Sage

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Drama Games #3: Late for Work

This game brings a lot of laughs. With good improvers, it should be able to run smoothly. The game is played by 4 people: 1 boss, 2 co-workers, and 1 late person. The late person leaves the room while the rest of the people come up with three reasons why the late person is late. The first one is pretty normal ex.: I swallowed my keys, I burned my breakfast, or my clothes wouldn’t fit. The second reason gets a little weirder: An asteroid hit my car, I had to stop for a swarm of monkeys crossing the street, or I drove off a cliff and died. The third is totally outrageous and can make no sense whatsoever: A giant Cyclops attacked me and I fought it with a pencil, a piranha swallowed me whole, etc. The key to making up these reasons is to keep them simple.
After the reasons are decided, the co-workers take their place behind the boss and the boss puts on a menacing glare as the late person enters the room. He is stopped by the boss who asks him why he is late. The co-workers (who are behind and unseen by the boss) begin to act out the reasons of why he is late starting with the first and most normal one. If he gets the reason correct the boss says he needs a different reason and the co-workers move on. If not the boss fires him.
Additional rules are that if the boss turns around and sees the co-workers acting things out, he fires them. If the boss turns around and sees the co-workers doing normal work things  (sweeping, filing papers) then the game continues.
I hope you have fun!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Helpful (or not so helpful) Hints: Casual?

When you've read as many books as I have, you start to notice things. Like the fact that the basic character circle is: Male Hero, Cute Girl, and Nerdy Guy.
This hint may finish an unspoken thought that many of you have considered. Here it goes:
Whenever an author is telling you about some thing casual, like the daily walk to school, or sitting in his room doing nothing, it is most definitely going to end up UnCasual. The character(s) will always discover something, or get kidnapped, or die, or something like that.
So next time you guys are reading about Harry Potter walking down the hall to his Potions class, be warned: Things are not always as they seem...

Helpful (or not so helpful) Hints: The Final Chapter: How to Cope with the Pain

As said in my previous post, the worst part about books is the end. To cope with the pain, follow these steps:
 1. Define which type of pain
There are three types of BookEnd pain. One is the stab of fear and anxiety when the characters jump off a cliff and the book ends, but luckily the next installment is waiting for you at the library.
The second is the same scenario, except the sequel has not even been published yet.
The third is when you have finished the entire series and the realization hits you that you will never have that glorious and terrifying experience again.

2. Take deep breaths
Try not to cry. It is most unbecoming.

3. Discover a solution
Check for release dates. These could be for sequels or for a possible after series.
Hit the bookshelves hard. (while you are doing this refrain from staring at the books you just finished. Look on the opposite side of the shelf)
Reread- There are pros and cons to this. If you reread it and get stuck on it, that would put a stop to your book evolution. This is not a good thing. On the good side, it is extremely fun to be yelling at the character in your book to 'not go in there! You are going to die!' and then watch him go in anyway.

Another thing that helps is to stop right before the last chapter and reflect on the book. An example of this can be found in my previous post Heart Breaks and Release Dates.

If you are reading this because you are in this situation, my heart aches for you. Good luck!

Heart Breaks and Release Dates

The worst part about books is that they end. Nothing drives me more insane when you are so engrossed in a book and then suddenly it ends. You frantically scan the next few pages for an explanation, but you find nothing. Your heart is beating faster than it did during the Climax, your brow is sweating. Your whispering words slowly grow louder as you chant "No, NO! This can't be! The dagger flew toward him and... What! WHAT????"
Sorry about that. I kind of like to exaggerate things. But it really is terrible. Last night I reached the final chapter of Darke (Septimus Heap). I stared at the large 49 printed on the page and I vowed that I wouldn't read it until the next morning when I had a scheduled trip to the library. The next morning I wandered around  the library desperately, jumping from shelf to shelf. I found some interesting things but I couldn't focus. The only thing that soothed my pain was discovering the release date of the next book was not too far off.
So to help those of you who are like me, I have created a list of release dates of sequels to series I've read. 
Remember, the pain leaves slowly. Just quickly get yourself a new book and you'll be alright. For tips on soothing the pain look at another post of mine titled Helpful (or not so helpful) Hints: The Final Chapter: How to cope with the pain.

Series                                Author                                 Title                            Release Date/State     #
Adventurers Wanted        James Dashner                     Albrek's Tomb               Already Published        3
Beyonders                          Brandon Mull                       Seeds of Rebellion           Already Published       2
Beyond Foo                      Obert Skye                          Deception of Dreams      Oct. 5, 2012                 2
Farworld                            J. Scott Savage                     Air Keep                         In the process             3
Heroes of Olympus           Rick Riordan                        Mark of Athena              Oct. 2, 2012                3
Janitors                              Tyler Whitesides    Secrets of New Forest Academy    Sept.4, 2012               2
Kane Chronicles              Rick Riordan                       Serpent's Shadow           Already Published         3
Septimus Heap                   Angie Sage                            Fyre                               April 16, 2013            7
The Land of Stories          Chris Colfer                          ?                                     ?                                   2
The Pillagy series                Obert Skye                           Ambush                          Already Published       3
Thirteenth Reality            James Dashner                       ?                                     ?                                  4

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Creatures of Foo: Avalands

Avalands first show themselves in the first book of the Leven Thumps series. They are giant rock and dirt monsters. At first, Leven and Winter only find themselves attacked by one. Leven ends up running it off a cliff.
The second time, they are attacked by lots of Avalands. In this incedent we learned that Avalands have the ability to mold themselves into one shape. This time, they all became one giant dirt snake.

- Run as fast as you can possibly run
- Hide somewhere solid
- Try to find a bulldozer (or other large vehicle) and try to squish it
- Fly away
- Manipulate Fate to your advantage
- Levitate and throw it
- Burrow into or under it
- Fade out
- Grow to an extremely large height and and squish it
- Find a Black Skeleton and beg it to help you
- Run it off a cliff
- Drop to your knees and pray to your maker

Sadly, most of these possible solutions can only take place if you are a Nit or an Offing, and all of them are very risky. If you are a Nit, there is one thing that you must know: NEVER freeze an Avaland. It will only make matters worse. Ask Winter Frore.
May Fate be on your side.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Le Miserables- On My Own

This is one of my most favorite Broadway Songs. Here are the lyrics:

And now I'm all alone again,
No where to go, no one to turn to
I did not want your money Sir,
I came out here 'cause I was told to.

And now the night is near,
Now I can make believe he's here.

Sometimes I walk alone at night
When everybody else is sleeping,
I think of him and then I'm happy
With the company I'm keeping,

The city goes to bed,
And I can live inside my head.

On my own, pretending he's beside me
All alone, I walk with him til morning
Without him, I feel his arms around me
And when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found me.

In the rain, the pavement shines like silver
All the lights are misty in the river
In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight
And all I see is him and me forever and forever

And I know, It's only in my mind,
That I'm talking to myself, and not to him.
 And although, I know that he is blind
Still I say, that there's a way, for us!

I love him, but when the night is over,
He is gone, the river's just a river.
Without him, the world around me changes
The trees are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangers.

I love him, but everyday I'm learning
All my life, I've only been pretending.
Without me, his world will go on turning.
The world is full of happiness that I have never known!

I love him.
I love him.
I love him, but only on my own.

Music by Alain Boubil. Lyrics by Claude-Michel Schonberg. All rights to those who deserve them.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Drama Games #2: Playing Card Status

    This is a great game for Special Improving. All it requires is a deck of playing cards, and a group of people.
Have everyone in the group draw a card and tape it (or just hold it) on their forehead WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE FRONT! Tape it so that the front is facing outward.
    The card tells you what status you are in the pecking order. For example: if you are a Queen, people should treat you like so. If you are an Ace, people should treat you like dirt.
    Let the group walk around as if they are in a Medieval Palace. Judging by the way others treat you, you should be able to guess your status.
    After the group does that, have them line up in the way they think their status is. Have the King(s) on the right side, and the Ace(s) on the left side. After they guess, let them look at their cards and readjust themselves in the line.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Singing Tips #1

A lot of people clear their throat before singing. Well, actually it is better for your voice if you swallow. So, if you want to sound better when you are singing, you'd better make a habit of swallowing before you sing. If you still have a problem and swallowing won't help, try drinking some water.

The Joy of Books

This is a video by crazedadman on Youtube. I love this video and can't even imagine the time it took to put it together. THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO CRAZEDADMAN!

Click to watch the video!

A Ballerina Always Has...

Dance teachers are always like "Point your toes so hard that lasers come of them!" and "Pretend like a balloon is pulling at the top of your head!". So I put together this poster on Photoshop, to show all beginner dancers what they 'must' have in order to become a really great dancer.

A Ballerina Always Has... by Cenendra 

Owl City- Strawberry Avalanche

Here are the lyrics to Strawberry Avalanche by Owl City. I absolutely love this song.

This is a world of dreams, and reverie
Where I felt the stars explode around me.

A grass blade flashed with a gleam,
As it slashed open the Moonbeam
And I stared back breathlessly
As mountains of fruit tumbled out
I barley had a chance to shout!
A strawberry avalanche crash over me!

Staying awake that night
Was rather hard.
Deep in a sleeping bag
In your back yard.
When we woke up buried alive
Beneath the fruity landslide,
We both laughed hysterically
It could have been just another dream,
But I swear I heard you scream!
A strawberry avalanche crash over me!

Hope is a citrus constellation
In the galaxy...
Scratched on the back of both my eyelids
That I've been dying to see

If you were a beautiful sound
And the echoes all around,
Then I'd be your harmony.
And we'd sing along with the crowd
Beneath the candy coated clouds.
Of strawberry avalanche, please crash over me!

This is a world of dreams, and reverie
Where I felt the stars explode around me...

Hope you enjoy!!!
If you love this song, like this post.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Greek Mythology: The Story of Orion

Orion was a hunter in Greek Mythology.
He was originally a good guy, but then he decided to be an idiot and go on this stupid quest to kill every single animal on the earth. Real smart right?
So this, of course, upset Gaia (the Earth goddess) and Artemis, (the goddess of Hunting, Forests, and Animals) who sent a giant scorpion after him.
Sadly, Orion lost the battle with the scorpion. While dying, Orion pleaded with his father Zeus (ruler of the gods) to save him. So Zeus took Orion and placed him in the sky where he forever protects the Seven Sisters from the great bull Taurus. All while battling the scorpion, which Zeus placed in the sky as a punishment to Orion's stupidity. You can still see those constellations in the night sky today.

Taurus, Orion, and Scorpius

Fourth of July Poems

These are my favorite Patriotic Poems by Shel Silverstein. Included is Flag, Forgetful Paul Revere, and The Fourth.

One star is for Alaska . . .
One star is for Nebraska . . .
One star is for North Dakota . . .
One star is for Minnesota . . .
There are lots of other stars,
But I forgot which ones they are.

Forgetful Paul Revere
Was it two if by land
And one if by sea?
Or one if by land
And none if by sea?
Or none if by land…
Or was it three?
My memory’s not
What it used to be,
And it’s getting so foggy
I hardly can see,
And this hard, cold saddle
Is killin’ me--
Oh, what a ride
This is gonna be.

The Fourth


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Words That I Like

Here are some words that send shivers up my spine.


I'm sure that there are a lot more, but I can't think of them right now!

Another one of my favorite words is this: Flabbergasted

Tell me your favorite words by commenting on this post.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Theatre: verb

Helpful (or not so helpful) Hints: How to spot Orion

This post should be helpful to those of you that have no Astrological talent at all. Or not. Even if you do have Astrological talent, this might be a bit helpful.
I just spotted the constellation Orion for the first time last year. Amazing right?
So to help those who still can't see him I have decided to point him out to you.
Orion is a Northern Hemisphere Constellation that only appears during the winter and late fall. He is one of the more simple constellations. The easiest way to spot him is to look for his belt. See?
Orion Constellation
The three stars in the middle that are in a line act as his belt. If you can spot that then you've pretty much got it down. Below is a chart showing all the stars involved with Orion and some of their names.
Orion stars
To learn more about the story of Orion look in my Greek Mythology section or click Here.

Fantasy Creatures: The Jabberwocky

The Jabberwocky is a creature that comes from the book Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There  by Lewis Carol. Here below, is the poem of the Jabberwocky:

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
  Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
  And the mome raths outgrabe.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
  The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
  The frumious Bandersnatch!"

He took his vorpal sword in hand:
  Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
  And stood awhile in thought.

And, as in uffish thought he stood,
  The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
  And burbled as it came!

One, two! One, two! And through and through
  The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
  He went galumphing back.

"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
  Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
  He chortled in his joy.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
  Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
  And the mome raths outgrabe.
The Jabberwocky

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Helpful (or not so helpful) hints: Ship directions

How many of you out there have been reading a book where the characters are on a ship? And how many of you have read about your characters saying things like "Pirates off the starboard bow!" or "What's going on aft?". And how many of you have absolutely no idea what they are saying?
That was me about fifteen minutes ago.
So, to help out those that have the same problem, I have listed basic ship directions and a picture of a ship pointing out different parts. Good luck to you!

Port- Left side of the ship
Starboard- Right side of the ship
Aft- The back side
Bow- Front side

Picture from

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Author Spotlight: Obert Skye

Self Portrait
Obert Skye is the author of bestselling Leven Thumps, The Pillagy Series, Professor Winsnicker's book of proper etiquette for well-mannered sycophants, Beyond Foo: Geth and the return of the Lithens, and Wonkenstein. He is a very illusive man. In fact all that we know about him is listed below:
 Obert Skye:
Loves dragons
Was born a few years ago in a town about the size that you live in
Tried to publish Leven Thumps first as NonFiction
Was born during a storm in the backseat of a taxi
Is tall but not towering
Is persistent but not perfect
Has read a book upside down
Was born in the middle of the week during an average-length year
Is the middle child in a family with an odd number of children
Is interested in falling from great heights, devouring books, and fighting for Foo
Likes the beach
Lives in the United States in a place colder than he would prefer
Obert Skye
Was raised in the mystery section of the public library
Is not an only child
Grew up with a dog named Fred
Has traveled the world by boat, train, plane, and large box
Lives in a house with a slanted roof and a wooden front door
Grew up in varied temperatures
Used to be allergic to cinnamon
Has not swum the English Channel
Has not boxed a kangaroo
Was last seen, pencil in hand, standing above the mismatched intersection of Twelfth and Pine streets
And his favorite color is green.
For more information about Obert try visiting his blog, or the following websites: Obert Skye Q/A, and

Drama Games #1: Freeze

This drama game is the most common and possibly the funnest drama game. A group of people stand in a circle with two people in the middle. Those two people start acting out a scenario. They continue doing this until a person from the circle says "Freeze!" The people in the middle then 'Freeze'. The person that said 'freeze' trades places with one of the people in the middle, taking the position that the person was frozen in. Then, the new person in the middle starts out with a new scenario. 
This game can go on for hours. It helps greatly with improving skills and is so much fun to do when you have a large group of people!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Writing Tip #1 Getting Your Outline

Okay, so I said that I would be leaving helpful tips in random times. Here's the first.
This one is about writing. If you're a writer, especially an unpublished writer, you should definitely take this into consideration.
When you write, I like to just pick characters, pick a problem (which is not really clear), and start writing. It's fun to be like "What's going to happen!? What's going to happen!?" like you do when you read, except you're the one creating the story. Trust me. This does not work.
I have tried so many times to write a story that way. It always fails. You know how your English teachers are (or were) always like "You need to have an outline! Where's your outline? That's not an outline. Get yourself an outline!" and you're always rolling your eyes and going "Yeah, right. I'll do it later Mrs. Brown." Well believe it or not, Mrs. Brown actually has a point!
It's very important that you have an outline. How can you foreshadow and give little hints to your readers if you don't know exactly what's going to happen yourself? Sometimes you have to work backwards.
To write an outline, start simple. Decide the Beginning, the Middle, and the End. Then go in deeper and split the Beginning into it's own Beginning, Middle, and End. See? Eventually you will get to the point where you are explaining each chapter. After that, it's simple.

I like to think of three things that are essential to a good book. This is completely optional to you. As I said before, this is just my opinion.
The Three Things are:
#1 Challenges/Adventure
#2 A dash of romance
#3 At least one traitor, may it be in an individual book or in the series in general
These things spice up the book and make it interesting. But the main one that should be included within your outline is the obvious #1: Challenges/Adventure.
Your story should be filled with challenges and obstacles. The Climax is the last and hardest challenge in the book. Your Rising Action should have many challenges that become increasingly harder for your character. At the end of your Falling Action you could have a new problem arise to become sort of a cliff hanger. For example: the end of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Sea of Monsters.
Good luck to you all and your stories!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Morae River

Check out this site! I think that's so cool! Browse it now! I wish I was capable of that kind of imaginational powers. I would love to use these in a book.Browse, Browse, Browse!

Friday, March 16, 2012

National Drama Day

May 15th is National Drama Day. This is one of my most favorite holiday. I say that we should all start celebrating this holiday as a tradition. It's so much fun!


I love art. It's so Inspirational


I have discovered an Odin. An Odin is a cool name for Inspiration. Technically, Odin means Divine Creative Inspiration. Well, this Odin that I found led me to write this poem:

Though the night was rough and the air was cool, the Knight rode swifter still.
For his bride-to-be was awaiting him to come and whisk her away.
He rode in silence against the wind as it howled with a ghastly feel,
He must not fail, he has to prevail! For the damsel, she awaiteth.
In a far off cave she longs for him while the dragon curls around
His treasure higher than the skies, his scales shine even brighter.
The Knight rides long through the chilly night as his horse begins to tire
He arrives at the mouth of the monstrous cavern in which the maiden waits
He races in determined to win the hand of this fair, young love,
But the scaly beast won't give his feast up without a fight.
The dragon pulls his claws out from under and shows them to the Knight
But he is not afraid, for he has a sharp blade that he will drive right through the heart.
The fight is dangerous; the dragon sighs as at last he is overcome,
The damsel cheers, when the Knight comes near to take his love safely away.

What do you think? Feel free to comment.


I have a pet cat. Sometimes cats make me really angry. Sometimes not. Sometimes...

The best play I've ever seen

On Wednesday I went to the Hale Center Theatre and saw the best play ever. It was Zorro! The first ever premier of Zorro in the United States!

If you've ever been to the Hale Center, then you'll know what I'm talking about when I say 'Indescribable Special Effects'. The stage is a small oval shaped thing in the middle of the auditorium. The audience goes all the way around. The stage moves!  There is a part in the play where Ramon first meets Zorro. The lights go out and you hear 'Ramon' echo off the walls. The wall itself then rumbles. Then the candles on the set all burst into one huge flame and behind them you can see Zorro's silhouette. The fire goes out and when the lights come back on Zorro is sitting on Ramon's couch with his feet propped up. Zorro says some threatening lines to Ramon, who orders his guards to seize Zorro. But, Zorro jumps to his feet, grabs fire out of thin air and then throws it to the ground. He then disappears. The guards are running around in a panic when Zorro enters one last time, from the ceiling. 

I have been inspired! I loved the play! It's been days since I've seen it and I still can't get over the sheer awesomeness of it! It's driving me crazy. I can't seem to stop talking about it. I need to stop. I'm ending this post right now. Please excuse me while I go explode...


I've told you in my previous posts that I am into Books. Shall I list books I enjoy?
Leven Thumps
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Adventurers Wanted
Thirteenth Reality
The Pillagy series
Heroes of Olympus
The Kane Chronicles
The Jimmy Fincher Saga
Beyond Foo
The Jackal Prophecy
The Giver
Peter and the Starcatchers
Serpent Tide

A lot right?
Here are some books I want to read.
The Hourglass Door
Adventures in Dod
The Inheritance Cycle
The Lord of the Rings
The Last Apprentice
The Ranger's Apprentice
Artemis Fowl

I just can't get enough of fantasy. I love these books!
Right now I am reading a series called Septimus Heap. I am on the sixth book called Darke.


If you enjoy Drama, Fantasy, Books, Singing, Dancing, Writing, or Art, then this is the blog for you. I am a THEATRE FREAK! I absolutely love Books. And I can give tips on all kinds of things. I hope you enjoy it!