Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Drama Games #3: Late for Work

This game brings a lot of laughs. With good improvers, it should be able to run smoothly. The game is played by 4 people: 1 boss, 2 co-workers, and 1 late person. The late person leaves the room while the rest of the people come up with three reasons why the late person is late. The first one is pretty normal ex.: I swallowed my keys, I burned my breakfast, or my clothes wouldn’t fit. The second reason gets a little weirder: An asteroid hit my car, I had to stop for a swarm of monkeys crossing the street, or I drove off a cliff and died. The third is totally outrageous and can make no sense whatsoever: A giant Cyclops attacked me and I fought it with a pencil, a piranha swallowed me whole, etc. The key to making up these reasons is to keep them simple.
After the reasons are decided, the co-workers take their place behind the boss and the boss puts on a menacing glare as the late person enters the room. He is stopped by the boss who asks him why he is late. The co-workers (who are behind and unseen by the boss) begin to act out the reasons of why he is late starting with the first and most normal one. If he gets the reason correct the boss says he needs a different reason and the co-workers move on. If not the boss fires him.
Additional rules are that if the boss turns around and sees the co-workers acting things out, he fires them. If the boss turns around and sees the co-workers doing normal work things  (sweeping, filing papers) then the game continues.
I hope you have fun!

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