Saturday, June 9, 2012

Author Spotlight: Obert Skye

Self Portrait
Obert Skye is the author of bestselling Leven Thumps, The Pillagy Series, Professor Winsnicker's book of proper etiquette for well-mannered sycophants, Beyond Foo: Geth and the return of the Lithens, and Wonkenstein. He is a very illusive man. In fact all that we know about him is listed below:
 Obert Skye:
Loves dragons
Was born a few years ago in a town about the size that you live in
Tried to publish Leven Thumps first as NonFiction
Was born during a storm in the backseat of a taxi
Is tall but not towering
Is persistent but not perfect
Has read a book upside down
Was born in the middle of the week during an average-length year
Is the middle child in a family with an odd number of children
Is interested in falling from great heights, devouring books, and fighting for Foo
Likes the beach
Lives in the United States in a place colder than he would prefer
Obert Skye
Was raised in the mystery section of the public library
Is not an only child
Grew up with a dog named Fred
Has traveled the world by boat, train, plane, and large box
Lives in a house with a slanted roof and a wooden front door
Grew up in varied temperatures
Used to be allergic to cinnamon
Has not swum the English Channel
Has not boxed a kangaroo
Was last seen, pencil in hand, standing above the mismatched intersection of Twelfth and Pine streets
And his favorite color is green.
For more information about Obert try visiting his blog, or the following websites: Obert Skye Q/A, and

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