Monday, July 15, 2013

Drama Games #6 Story Time

This game is best played with 4-5 people. One person sits and the others stand. Each standing person is given a quirk, accent, stereotype, or character. They must act this thing until the end of the game. The three actors stand in a line. The other person sits in front of them. The sitting person points at one person and they start an improvisational story, while upholding their quirk. The sitting person points to another standing person and that person immediately picks up the story. The story can be completely outrageous. It is also optional for the audience to pick the title and characters of the story. The story continues until you decide that it's gone too far. An example of this game might look like this:

Person 1 (Dopey Cheerleader): So, like, once upon a time there was like a hansome guy and he was like in love with this one girl with like the CUTEST eyes and she was like-
Person 2 (French): Ze most amazing chef that Europe had everrrrrrr seen! And she wooed ze man with her-
Person 1: Totes awesome cakes and stuff. Like, yeah, and he totes like fell deeper in love with her and stuff. But she couldn't like love him back because she found out that he was like-
Person 3 (Harry Potter): The evil dark lord of the wizarding world!
Person 4 (Afraid of Germs): And he went around tormenting the world with his awful germs! And people screamed and ran. It was horrible! The whole population got Chikungunya Fever!
Person 2: But, ze girrrl was able to currre them all with a concotion that she cooked up in her verrry own keetchen. Ze people loved her! They gave her-
Person 3: A snowy owl. And-
Person 1: And lots of attention. Like "Give me a G!"
Person 4: It was disgusting.

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