Monday, July 29, 2013

Creatures of Foo: Rovens

"...Leven had never seen a roven before, much less a roven of such massive size. The menacing creature was more than twice Leven's height, and its huge, copper wings grew directly from its shoulders and along its gigantic arms... Its entire body was covered with bright orange hair, and a pair of small, hooded, yellow eyes glared out from its fierce-looking face. The hair covering its body was so bright, it was hard to look at it directly...The roven's chest was thick and wide like an ape's, but in every other point the creature resembled a mutated raven."
Above is an image from the 2nd book.
Leven is standing in front of a roven who is void of hair.
- Obert Skye, Leven Thumps and the Whispered Secret

Rovens are best described as big, ugly, and... uh... Well that about sums it up. Leven first encounters them at the beginning of book 2, while staying in his grandmother Amelia's house. The flock of monsters tear through the roof and wreck the house before digging a huge rip in the ground and then attempting to drown the victims in its own hair. It was messy business. Rovens are loyal to Jamoon and others bent on unraveling Foo. A wise person would try to avoid them.


  1. when i read that scene i never really knew how to picture the rovens. everything just got weird because of this, the part with the "you be the gum" was awesome though

  2. I actually pictured them quite well. The picture did help though...
