Saturday, April 19, 2014


That. Is. It.

It's not that I don't have plenty to read (I DO!)

It's just...aaaarrrgh. I am so sick of release dates and sequels.

It's not the waiting. I can handle waiting. I've been trained. It's going to be okay. The sequel will be here soon...

But when the release date passes and there is still no sequel... Really?

*ahem* Farworld Fire Keep.

And the lack of information... I'll sit and dig through every website the search engine brings me and I still know nothing about WHY my favorite books aren't publicized. Two years of waiting. And not knowing. Not knowing what the publishers are trying to do! Not knowing who you can blame for the lack of sequel. ESPECIALLY when the previous book ended with something as devious as burying the main characters in cement to die.

*ahem* Beyond Foo #3.


Anyway, sorry about that. I'm sure you all feel this way too about some book or another. Happy reading/waiting!

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