Thursday, February 20, 2014

Drama Games #7 What Are You Doing?

This game is simple. Players stand in a circle with one in the middle. The center person begins to pantomime doing something. Anything. Doesn't matter. Let's say for example's sake that this person is brushing their teeth. Someone in the circle steps to the middle and asks "What are you doing?" The center person responds with something like "Digging a hole," or another action that has nothing to do with what they are actually doing.
Person number two would then begin acting out digging a hole while the first person rejoins the circle. The next person in the circle steps to the middle and repeats the process. And it goes on.
This came can be especially fun if the actors can come up with good actions to challenge their friends to. A favorite in my gaming is "Doing the splits" And I'm telling you... the expressions that you see! Especially when the challenged can actually complete the task. (Cough, myself, cough)

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