Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Helpful (or in Other Words a Writing Tip) Hints: How to Write a Limerick Poem

Limericks are extremely fun poems to write. My favorite, actually. They are mainly used for silly or nonsense poems. They follow a certain beat and rhyming pattern.

A limerick follows this template:
Line 1: Rhyme A, 3 beats
Line 2: Rhyme A, 3 beats
Line 3: Rhyme B, 2 beats
Line 4: Rhyme B, 2 beats
Line 5: Rhyme A, 3 beats

The following is an example written by myself.

There once was a dictionary,
Who was so full, it was airy.
It was bound to explode
But was strictly forebode
By the angry diction-fairy.

See what I mean? All silly nonsense. But count the beats and check the rhyming patterns. Maybe that will help. Some people use the nursery rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock as an example for limericks. But it isn't one! The first and last lines are exactly the same, making it not a limerick.

Below is another set of limericks that follow a story. Again, I wrote this one. I do claim all copyrights, and such...blah, blah, blah. You may not reproduce this poem in any way, shape, or form without my permission. In other words, if you want to use it, just ask! I'm sure I'll be able to oblige.

Writing Poems

I'm writing poems for my teacher
Who's grueling like an evil creature.
If I want a good grade
I'll use Internet aid
For this rhyming, rhythmic feature.

I'm trying to find words that rhyme.
I'm running out of time!
I wish I could bail,
I'm going to fail.
Poem writing should be a crime.

I'm starting to fall asleep.
My wristwatch starts to beep.
Still blank is my paper;
Get me out of this caper!
I've gotten in way too deep.

This assignment's made me berserk.
I want to go home and shirk.
I'm beginning to fear
My teacher is here
To come and collect my work.

"Let's see your poem, don't sass.
Just hand it over and pass.
Read your poem aloud."
I try to look proud
As I stand up in front of the class.

"Sam saw a bat that was falling;
The yellow thesaurus is bawling.
Ted did not miss the flow
And the ostrich flew low.
So the whirlpool was scrumptiously calling."

My poem wasn't that great.
My teacher moved out of the state.
I did get an F,
Is there anything left
For me and my pitiful fate?

1 comment:

  1. at least you had one limerick no matter how terrible

    or did you write eight?

    Nice job
    hilarious poem
    you should publish it
