Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Greek Mythology: The Birth of Athena

Zeus heard a prophecy that the child of he and Metis (Titan goddess of wise council) would be greater than himself. To prevent this, Zeus swallowed Metis whole. Later Zeus had a splitting headache. Hephaestus then hit Zeus in the head with his hammer (what a loyal son!) which split Zeus's head open. Out of his gaping skull then jumped his fully grown daughter dressed in full battle armor. Probably one of the most bizarre birth stories ever.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Greek Mythology: The Story of Athens

One day in Greece a new city was underway. The city was big and beautiful. The only thing left to do was to find the patron god for the city. Both Poseidon and Athena wanted to take this position. The people of the city held a contest to choose their patron god. Whoever gave the greatest gift would win.
Poseidon gave a saltwater spring, and Athena gave an olive tree. The people saw Athena's gift to be more useful so they chose her as their patron. They named their city Athens in her honor. They built an Acropolis or the Parthenon for her too.
The Parthenon
Picture from  http://www.greece-athens.com/

Greek Mythology: Athena, Goddess of Wisdom

Athena was the daughter of Zeus and Metis. She was the goddess of wisdom, war, weaving, pottery, strategy, heroes, and philosophy. Some of her symbols include an olive tree/branch, owls, and her shield with  Medusa's head on it.
Athena was never married and never had any children. (Unless you count Annabeth and other Percy Jackson characters)
Athena's enemies and foes are: Poseidon, and Medusa

Click on the links below to see stories about Athena.
The City of Athens, The story of Arachne, How the Gorgons Came to Be, and The Birth of Athena.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Once Upon a Mattress- Shy

This is one of the best songs ever. It is great for tryouts. So cool. Love it.

(Winifred) Hey nonny nonny is it you?
(Hey nonny nonny noony no!)
Hey nonny nonny is it you?
(Hey nonny nonny nonny no!)
Hey nonny nonny is it you, or  you, or you, or you, or-
(Dauntles) Noony neeny nonny nonny-
(Queen) No, no, no!

Someone's being bashful,
That's no way to be not with me
Can't you see?
That I am just as embarrassed as you,
And I can understand you point of view
I've always been...

Shy! I confess it I'm shy!
Can't you guess that this confident air is a mask that I wear,
Cause I'm shy.
And you may be sure, way down deep i'm demure!
Though some people I know would deny it,
At bottom I'm quiet and pure.

I'm aware that it's wrong,
To be meek as I am,
My chances may pass me by
I try to be strong,
But as week as I am,
All I can do is try-

God knows I try! Though I'm frightened ans shy!
And despite the impression I give I confess that I'm living a lie,
Because, I'm actually terribly timid,
and HORRIBLY shy!

Though a lady may be dripping with glamour
More often then not she will stumble and stammer,
When suddenly confronted with romance,
And she's likely to fall on her face,
When she's finally face to face with a pair of pants.

I'm going fishing for a mate!
(She's going fishing for a mate!)
I'm gonna look in every brook!
(She's gonna look in every brook!)
But how much longer must I wait,
With baited breath and hook?

And that is why, though I'm painfully shy,
I'm insane to know which sir. You sir?
(Man) Not I, sir!
(Winifred) Then who, sir? When sir, and where sir?
I couldn't be tense sir.
So lets get this done man, get on with the show man!
I am one man.
(The lady is one man!)

Music by Mary Rodgers. Lyrics by Marshall Barer. All rights go to those who deserve them.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Author Spotlights #2: Angie Sage

The Magykal Papers

Araminta Spookie
My Haunted House
 Angie Sage was born in 1952 in London. She now lives in Somerset in a house with a secret tunnel. She also owns a little green boat called Muriel. She has written the International Bestselling series Septimus Heap, The Magykal Papers, and the Araminta Spookie series. Her upcoming novels include Septimus Heap book 7: Fyre, and The Darke Toad. She won the Book Award 2006 for her novel Magyk,

Angie Sage

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Drama Games #3: Late for Work

This game brings a lot of laughs. With good improvers, it should be able to run smoothly. The game is played by 4 people: 1 boss, 2 co-workers, and 1 late person. The late person leaves the room while the rest of the people come up with three reasons why the late person is late. The first one is pretty normal ex.: I swallowed my keys, I burned my breakfast, or my clothes wouldn’t fit. The second reason gets a little weirder: An asteroid hit my car, I had to stop for a swarm of monkeys crossing the street, or I drove off a cliff and died. The third is totally outrageous and can make no sense whatsoever: A giant Cyclops attacked me and I fought it with a pencil, a piranha swallowed me whole, etc. The key to making up these reasons is to keep them simple.
After the reasons are decided, the co-workers take their place behind the boss and the boss puts on a menacing glare as the late person enters the room. He is stopped by the boss who asks him why he is late. The co-workers (who are behind and unseen by the boss) begin to act out the reasons of why he is late starting with the first and most normal one. If he gets the reason correct the boss says he needs a different reason and the co-workers move on. If not the boss fires him.
Additional rules are that if the boss turns around and sees the co-workers acting things out, he fires them. If the boss turns around and sees the co-workers doing normal work things  (sweeping, filing papers) then the game continues.
I hope you have fun!