Saturday, October 27, 2012

How the Gorgons Came to Be

The story of the gorgons is actually quite pathetic. It goes something like this:
Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman named Medusa (don't freak, just hear me out). Medusa caught the attention of Poseidon, god of the sea. So together they planned a date. It was to take place in Athena's Temple.
Medusa acquired the help of her two sisters, Stheno and Euryale, to get her into the temple. This entire thing generally upset Athena, goddess of wisdom and war. Athena already shared a rocky history with Poseidon (see The Story of Athens), so, as you can imagine, Athena did not take pleasure with him bringing his latest fling in for a date in her house. As a punishment, Athena then turned Medusa and her sisters into the three gorgons. Medusa got an extra special punishment with her petrifying (literally) eyes.
Later, Medusa was killed by the hero Perseus and and out of her severed neck came the beautiful winged-horse Pegasus.
Sad huh.
We have never been quite clear on the appearance of Medusa and her sisters except the fact that they are absolutely hidious. Here is a list of some popular gorgon attributes:

Snake hair
Boar tusks
Chicken legs
Scaled skin
Serpent Body
Bronze hands/claws

They sound like happy beings don't they?

The Trouble With Books

Below is a list of books that have done this very thing to me.
If you have a book like this, post a reply and share!

13th Reality #3
Heroes of Olympus #2, and #3
Percy Jackson #3, #4, and #5
Harry Potter #4, and #6
Serpent Tide #2
Beyond Foo #1
Leven Thumps #3, and #4
Janitors #1
Pillagy #2
Spiderwick #4
Septimus Heap #4, #5, and #6
Farworld #2
Fablehaven #3, and #4
Beyonders #1, and #2
Reiyalindis #2
The Jackal Prophecy
The Giver
Kane Chronicles #2

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Dearth of Understanding

Webster says that the word 'dearth' means a lack of something. (ex: There is a dearth of good books.)
Could this definition be what Obert Skye had in mind when he created the Leven Thumps villian 'The Dearth'?
The Dearth

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How Many?

I wonder how many of us were celebrating today. Celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, the A on your test? And how many of us today were celebrating the release date of Mark of Athena? I know I was. The ending of the last book was horrible. I can't wait until it falls into my hands. The only thing that worries me is this: Why, on the cover of the book, are Jason and Percy battling each other? This does not bode well. Good luck to all of you who are now rushing to your local library or bookstore to see if it is in stock! Happy reading!