Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Helpful (or not so helpful) Hints: Casual?

When you've read as many books as I have, you start to notice things. Like the fact that the basic character circle is: Male Hero, Cute Girl, and Nerdy Guy.
This hint may finish an unspoken thought that many of you have considered. Here it goes:
Whenever an author is telling you about some thing casual, like the daily walk to school, or sitting in his room doing nothing, it is most definitely going to end up UnCasual. The character(s) will always discover something, or get kidnapped, or die, or something like that.
So next time you guys are reading about Harry Potter walking down the hall to his Potions class, be warned: Things are not always as they seem...

Helpful (or not so helpful) Hints: The Final Chapter: How to Cope with the Pain

As said in my previous post, the worst part about books is the end. To cope with the pain, follow these steps:
 1. Define which type of pain
There are three types of BookEnd pain. One is the stab of fear and anxiety when the characters jump off a cliff and the book ends, but luckily the next installment is waiting for you at the library.
The second is the same scenario, except the sequel has not even been published yet.
The third is when you have finished the entire series and the realization hits you that you will never have that glorious and terrifying experience again.

2. Take deep breaths
Try not to cry. It is most unbecoming.

3. Discover a solution
Check for release dates. These could be for sequels or for a possible after series.
Hit the bookshelves hard. (while you are doing this refrain from staring at the books you just finished. Look on the opposite side of the shelf)
Reread- There are pros and cons to this. If you reread it and get stuck on it, that would put a stop to your book evolution. This is not a good thing. On the good side, it is extremely fun to be yelling at the character in your book to 'not go in there! You are going to die!' and then watch him go in anyway.

Another thing that helps is to stop right before the last chapter and reflect on the book. An example of this can be found in my previous post Heart Breaks and Release Dates.

If you are reading this because you are in this situation, my heart aches for you. Good luck!

Heart Breaks and Release Dates

The worst part about books is that they end. Nothing drives me more insane when you are so engrossed in a book and then suddenly it ends. You frantically scan the next few pages for an explanation, but you find nothing. Your heart is beating faster than it did during the Climax, your brow is sweating. Your whispering words slowly grow louder as you chant "No, NO! This can't be! The dagger flew toward him and... What! WHAT????"
Sorry about that. I kind of like to exaggerate things. But it really is terrible. Last night I reached the final chapter of Darke (Septimus Heap). I stared at the large 49 printed on the page and I vowed that I wouldn't read it until the next morning when I had a scheduled trip to the library. The next morning I wandered around  the library desperately, jumping from shelf to shelf. I found some interesting things but I couldn't focus. The only thing that soothed my pain was discovering the release date of the next book was not too far off.
So to help those of you who are like me, I have created a list of release dates of sequels to series I've read. 
Remember, the pain leaves slowly. Just quickly get yourself a new book and you'll be alright. For tips on soothing the pain look at another post of mine titled Helpful (or not so helpful) Hints: The Final Chapter: How to cope with the pain.

Series                                Author                                 Title                            Release Date/State     #
Adventurers Wanted        James Dashner                     Albrek's Tomb               Already Published        3
Beyonders                          Brandon Mull                       Seeds of Rebellion           Already Published       2
Beyond Foo                      Obert Skye                          Deception of Dreams      Oct. 5, 2012                 2
Farworld                            J. Scott Savage                     Air Keep                         In the process             3
Heroes of Olympus           Rick Riordan                        Mark of Athena              Oct. 2, 2012                3
Janitors                              Tyler Whitesides    Secrets of New Forest Academy    Sept.4, 2012               2
Kane Chronicles              Rick Riordan                       Serpent's Shadow           Already Published         3
Septimus Heap                   Angie Sage                            Fyre                               April 16, 2013            7
The Land of Stories          Chris Colfer                          ?                                     ?                                   2
The Pillagy series                Obert Skye                           Ambush                          Already Published       3
Thirteenth Reality            James Dashner                       ?                                     ?                                  4

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Creatures of Foo: Avalands

Avalands first show themselves in the first book of the Leven Thumps series. They are giant rock and dirt monsters. At first, Leven and Winter only find themselves attacked by one. Leven ends up running it off a cliff.
The second time, they are attacked by lots of Avalands. In this incedent we learned that Avalands have the ability to mold themselves into one shape. This time, they all became one giant dirt snake.

- Run as fast as you can possibly run
- Hide somewhere solid
- Try to find a bulldozer (or other large vehicle) and try to squish it
- Fly away
- Manipulate Fate to your advantage
- Levitate and throw it
- Burrow into or under it
- Fade out
- Grow to an extremely large height and and squish it
- Find a Black Skeleton and beg it to help you
- Run it off a cliff
- Drop to your knees and pray to your maker

Sadly, most of these possible solutions can only take place if you are a Nit or an Offing, and all of them are very risky. If you are a Nit, there is one thing that you must know: NEVER freeze an Avaland. It will only make matters worse. Ask Winter Frore.
May Fate be on your side.