Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Le Miserables- On My Own

This is one of my most favorite Broadway Songs. Here are the lyrics:

And now I'm all alone again,
No where to go, no one to turn to
I did not want your money Sir,
I came out here 'cause I was told to.

And now the night is near,
Now I can make believe he's here.

Sometimes I walk alone at night
When everybody else is sleeping,
I think of him and then I'm happy
With the company I'm keeping,

The city goes to bed,
And I can live inside my head.

On my own, pretending he's beside me
All alone, I walk with him til morning
Without him, I feel his arms around me
And when I lose my way I close my eyes and he has found me.

In the rain, the pavement shines like silver
All the lights are misty in the river
In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight
And all I see is him and me forever and forever

And I know, It's only in my mind,
That I'm talking to myself, and not to him.
 And although, I know that he is blind
Still I say, that there's a way, for us!

I love him, but when the night is over,
He is gone, the river's just a river.
Without him, the world around me changes
The trees are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangers.

I love him, but everyday I'm learning
All my life, I've only been pretending.
Without me, his world will go on turning.
The world is full of happiness that I have never known!

I love him.
I love him.
I love him, but only on my own.

Music by Alain Boubil. Lyrics by Claude-Michel Schonberg. All rights to those who deserve them.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Drama Games #2: Playing Card Status

    This is a great game for Special Improving. All it requires is a deck of playing cards, and a group of people.
Have everyone in the group draw a card and tape it (or just hold it) on their forehead WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE FRONT! Tape it so that the front is facing outward.
    The card tells you what status you are in the pecking order. For example: if you are a Queen, people should treat you like so. If you are an Ace, people should treat you like dirt.
    Let the group walk around as if they are in a Medieval Palace. Judging by the way others treat you, you should be able to guess your status.
    After the group does that, have them line up in the way they think their status is. Have the King(s) on the right side, and the Ace(s) on the left side. After they guess, let them look at their cards and readjust themselves in the line.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Singing Tips #1

A lot of people clear their throat before singing. Well, actually it is better for your voice if you swallow. So, if you want to sound better when you are singing, you'd better make a habit of swallowing before you sing. If you still have a problem and swallowing won't help, try drinking some water.

The Joy of Books

This is a video by crazedadman on Youtube. I love this video and can't even imagine the time it took to put it together. THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO CRAZEDADMAN!

Click to watch the video!

A Ballerina Always Has...

Dance teachers are always like "Point your toes so hard that lasers come of them!" and "Pretend like a balloon is pulling at the top of your head!". So I put together this poster on Photoshop, to show all beginner dancers what they 'must' have in order to become a really great dancer.

A Ballerina Always Has... by Cenendra 

Owl City- Strawberry Avalanche

Here are the lyrics to Strawberry Avalanche by Owl City. I absolutely love this song.

This is a world of dreams, and reverie
Where I felt the stars explode around me.

A grass blade flashed with a gleam,
As it slashed open the Moonbeam
And I stared back breathlessly
As mountains of fruit tumbled out
I barley had a chance to shout!
A strawberry avalanche crash over me!

Staying awake that night
Was rather hard.
Deep in a sleeping bag
In your back yard.
When we woke up buried alive
Beneath the fruity landslide,
We both laughed hysterically
It could have been just another dream,
But I swear I heard you scream!
A strawberry avalanche crash over me!

Hope is a citrus constellation
In the galaxy...
Scratched on the back of both my eyelids
That I've been dying to see

If you were a beautiful sound
And the echoes all around,
Then I'd be your harmony.
And we'd sing along with the crowd
Beneath the candy coated clouds.
Of strawberry avalanche, please crash over me!

This is a world of dreams, and reverie
Where I felt the stars explode around me...

Hope you enjoy!!!
If you love this song, like this post.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Greek Mythology: The Story of Orion

Orion was a hunter in Greek Mythology.
He was originally a good guy, but then he decided to be an idiot and go on this stupid quest to kill every single animal on the earth. Real smart right?
So this, of course, upset Gaia (the Earth goddess) and Artemis, (the goddess of Hunting, Forests, and Animals) who sent a giant scorpion after him.
Sadly, Orion lost the battle with the scorpion. While dying, Orion pleaded with his father Zeus (ruler of the gods) to save him. So Zeus took Orion and placed him in the sky where he forever protects the Seven Sisters from the great bull Taurus. All while battling the scorpion, which Zeus placed in the sky as a punishment to Orion's stupidity. You can still see those constellations in the night sky today.

Taurus, Orion, and Scorpius

Fourth of July Poems

These are my favorite Patriotic Poems by Shel Silverstein. Included is Flag, Forgetful Paul Revere, and The Fourth.

One star is for Alaska . . .
One star is for Nebraska . . .
One star is for North Dakota . . .
One star is for Minnesota . . .
There are lots of other stars,
But I forgot which ones they are.

Forgetful Paul Revere
Was it two if by land
And one if by sea?
Or one if by land
And none if by sea?
Or none if by land…
Or was it three?
My memory’s not
What it used to be,
And it’s getting so foggy
I hardly can see,
And this hard, cold saddle
Is killin’ me--
Oh, what a ride
This is gonna be.

The Fourth